(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.countUp = {})); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var __assign = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () { __assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; // playground: stackblitz.com/edit/countup-typescript var CountUp = /** @class */ (function () { function CountUp(target, endVal, options) { var _this = this; this.target = target; this.endVal = endVal; this.options = options; this.version = '2.0.8'; this.defaults = { startVal: 0, decimalPlaces: 0, duration: 2, useEasing: true, useGrouping: true, smartEasingThreshold: 999, smartEasingAmount: 333, separator: ',', decimal: '.', prefix: '', suffix: '' }; this.finalEndVal = null; // for smart easing this.useEasing = true; this.countDown = false; this.error = ''; this.startVal = 0; this.paused = true; this.count = function (timestamp) { if (!_this.startTime) { _this.startTime = timestamp; } var progress = timestamp - _this.startTime; _this.remaining = _this.duration - progress; // to ease or not to ease if (_this.useEasing) { if (_this.countDown) { _this.frameVal = _this.startVal - _this.easingFn(progress, 0, _this.startVal - _this.endVal, _this.duration); } else { _this.frameVal = _this.easingFn(progress, _this.startVal, _this.endVal - _this.startVal, _this.duration); } } else { if (_this.countDown) { _this.frameVal = _this.startVal - ((_this.startVal - _this.endVal) * (progress / _this.duration)); } else { _this.frameVal = _this.startVal + (_this.endVal - _this.startVal) * (progress / _this.duration); } } // don't go past endVal since progress can exceed duration in the last frame if (_this.countDown) { _this.frameVal = (_this.frameVal < _this.endVal) ? _this.endVal : _this.frameVal; } else { _this.frameVal = (_this.frameVal > _this.endVal) ? _this.endVal : _this.frameVal; } // decimal _this.frameVal = Number(_this.frameVal.toFixed(_this.options.decimalPlaces)); // format and print value _this.printValue(_this.frameVal); // whether to continue if (progress < _this.duration) { _this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(_this.count); } else if (_this.finalEndVal !== null) { // smart easing _this.update(_this.finalEndVal); } else { if (_this.callback) { _this.callback(); } } }; // default format and easing functions this.formatNumber = function (num) { var neg = (num < 0) ? '-' : ''; var result, x1, x2, x3; result = Math.abs(num).toFixed(_this.options.decimalPlaces); result += ''; var x = result.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? _this.options.decimal + x[1] : ''; if (_this.options.useGrouping) { x3 = ''; for (var i = 0, len = x1.length; i < len; ++i) { if (i !== 0 && (i % 3) === 0) { x3 = _this.options.separator + x3; } x3 = x1[len - i - 1] + x3; } x1 = x3; } // optional numeral substitution if (_this.options.numerals && _this.options.numerals.length) { x1 = x1.replace(/[0-9]/g, function (w) { return _this.options.numerals[+w]; }); x2 = x2.replace(/[0-9]/g, function (w) { return _this.options.numerals[+w]; }); } return neg + _this.options.prefix + x1 + x2 + _this.options.suffix; }; this.easeOutExpo = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) * 1024 / 1023 + b; }; this.options = __assign(__assign({}, this.defaults), options); this.formattingFn = (this.options.formattingFn) ? this.options.formattingFn : this.formatNumber; this.easingFn = (this.options.easingFn) ? this.options.easingFn : this.easeOutExpo; this.startVal = this.validateValue(this.options.startVal); this.frameVal = this.startVal; this.endVal = this.validateValue(endVal); this.options.decimalPlaces = Math.max(this.options.decimalPlaces); this.resetDuration(); this.options.separator = String(this.options.separator); this.useEasing = this.options.useEasing; if (this.options.separator === '') { this.options.useGrouping = false; } this.el = (typeof target === 'string') ? document.getElementById(target) : target; if (this.el) { this.printValue(this.startVal); } else { this.error = '[CountUp] target is null or undefined'; } } // determines where easing starts and whether to count down or up CountUp.prototype.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing = function () { var end = (this.finalEndVal) ? this.finalEndVal : this.endVal; this.countDown = (this.startVal > end); var animateAmount = end - this.startVal; if (Math.abs(animateAmount) > this.options.smartEasingThreshold) { this.finalEndVal = end; var up = (this.countDown) ? 1 : -1; this.endVal = end + (up * this.options.smartEasingAmount); this.duration = this.duration / 2; } else { this.endVal = end; this.finalEndVal = null; } if (this.finalEndVal) { this.useEasing = false; } else { this.useEasing = this.options.useEasing; } }; // start animation CountUp.prototype.start = function (callback) { if (this.error) { return; } this.callback = callback; if (this.duration > 0) { this.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing(); this.paused = false; this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count); } else { this.printValue(this.endVal); } }; // pause/resume animation CountUp.prototype.pauseResume = function () { if (!this.paused) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF); } else { this.startTime = null; this.duration = this.remaining; this.startVal = this.frameVal; this.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing(); this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count); } this.paused = !this.paused; }; // reset to startVal so animation can be run again CountUp.prototype.reset = function () { cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF); this.paused = true; this.resetDuration(); this.startVal = this.validateValue(this.options.startVal); this.frameVal = this.startVal; this.printValue(this.startVal); }; // pass a new endVal and start animation CountUp.prototype.update = function (newEndVal) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF); this.startTime = null; this.endVal = this.validateValue(newEndVal); if (this.endVal === this.frameVal) { return; } this.startVal = this.frameVal; if (!this.finalEndVal) { this.resetDuration(); } this.finalEndVal = null; this.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing(); this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count); }; CountUp.prototype.printValue = function (val) { var result = this.formattingFn(val); if (this.el.tagName === 'INPUT') { var input = this.el; input.value = result; } else if (this.el.tagName === 'text' || this.el.tagName === 'tspan') { this.el.textContent = result; } else { this.el.innerHTML = result; } }; CountUp.prototype.ensureNumber = function (n) { return (typeof n === 'number' && !isNaN(n)); }; CountUp.prototype.validateValue = function (value) { var newValue = Number(value); if (!this.ensureNumber(newValue)) { this.error = "[CountUp] invalid start or end value: " + value; return null; } else { return newValue; } }; CountUp.prototype.resetDuration = function () { this.startTime = null; this.duration = Number(this.options.duration) * 1000; this.remaining = this.duration; }; return CountUp; }()); exports.CountUp = CountUp; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));