var BigPicture = (function () { // BigPicture.js | license MIT | // trigger element used to open popup var el; // set to true after first interaction var initialized; // container element holding html needed for script var container; // currently active display element (image, video, youtube / vimeo iframe container) var displayElement; // popup image element var displayImage; // popup video element var displayVideo; // popup audio element var displayAudio; // container element to hold youtube / vimeo iframe var iframeContainer; // iframe to hold youtube / vimeo player var iframeSiteVid; // store requested image source var imgSrc; // button that closes the container var closeButton; // youtube / vimeo video id var siteVidID; // keeps track of loading icon display state var isLoading; // timeout to check video status while loading var checkMediaTimeout; // loading icon element var loadingIcon; // caption element var caption; // caption content element var captionText; // store caption content var captionContent; // hide caption button element var captionHideButton; // open state for container element var isOpen; // gallery open state var galleryOpen; // used during close animation to avoid triggering timeout twice var isClosing; // array of prev viewed image urls to check if cached before showing loading icon var imgCache = []; // store whether image requested is remote or local var remoteImage; // store animation opening callbacks var animationStart; var animationEnd; // store changeGalleryImage callback var onChangeImage; // gallery left / right icons var rightArrowBtn; var leftArrowBtn; // position of gallery var galleryPosition; // hold active gallery els / image src var galleryEls; // counter element var galleryCounter; // store images in gallery that are being loaded var preloadedImages = {}; // whether device supports touch events var supportsTouch; // options object var opts; // Save bytes in the minified version var appendEl = 'appendChild'; var createEl = 'createElement'; var removeEl = 'removeChild'; function BigPicture (options) { // initialize called on initial open to create elements / style / event handlers initialized || initialize(); // clear currently loading stuff if (isLoading) { clearTimeout(checkMediaTimeout); removeContainer(); } opts = options; // store video id if youtube / vimeo video is requested siteVidID = options.ytSrc || options.vimeoSrc; // store optional callbacks animationStart = options.animationStart; animationEnd = options.animationEnd; onChangeImage = options.onChangeImage; // set trigger element el = options.el; // wipe existing remoteImage state remoteImage = false; // set caption if provided captionContent = el.getAttribute('data-caption'); if ( { makeGallery(, options.position); } else if (siteVidID || options.iframeSrc) { // if vimeo, youtube, or iframe video // toggleLoadingIcon(true) displayElement = iframeContainer; createIframe(); } else if (options.imgSrc) { // if remote image remoteImage = true; imgSrc = options.imgSrc; !~imgCache.indexOf(imgSrc) && toggleLoadingIcon(true); displayElement = displayImage; displayElement.src = imgSrc; } else if ( { // if direct video link toggleLoadingIcon(true); displayElement = displayAudio; displayElement.src =; checkMedia('audio file'); } else if (options.vidSrc) { // if direct video link toggleLoadingIcon(true); if (options.dimensions) { changeCSS(displayVideo, ("width:" + (options.dimensions[0]) + "px")); } makeVidSrc(options.vidSrc); checkMedia('video'); } else { // local image / background image already loaded on page displayElement = displayImage; // get img source or element background image displayElement.src = el.tagName === 'IMG' ? el.src : window .getComputedStyle(el) .backgroundImage.replace(/^url|[(|)|'|"]/g, ''); } // add container to page container[appendEl](displayElement); document.body[appendEl](container); return { close: close, next: function () { return updateGallery(1); }, prev: function () { return updateGallery(-1); }, } } // create all needed methods / store dom elements on first use function initialize() { var startX; // return close button elements function createCloseButton(className) { var el = document[createEl]('button'); el.className = className; el.innerHTML = ''; return el } function createArrowSymbol(direction, style) { var el = document[createEl]('button'); el.className = 'bp-lr'; el.innerHTML = ''; changeCSS(el, style); el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); updateGallery(direction); }; return el } // add style - if you want to tweak, run through beautifier var style = document[createEl]('STYLE'); style.innerHTML = '#bp_caption,#bp_container{bottom:0;left:0;right:0;position:fixed;opacity:0}#bp_container>*,#bp_loader{position:absolute;right:0;z-index:10}#bp_container,#bp_caption,#bp_container svg{pointer-events:none}#bp_container{top:0;z-index:9999;background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);opacity:0;transition:opacity .35s}#bp_loader{top:0;left:0;bottom:0;display:flex;align-items:center;cursor:wait;background:0;z-index:9}#bp_loader svg{width:50%;max-width:300px;max-height:50%;margin:auto;animation:bpturn 1s infinite linear}#bp_aud,#bp_container img,#bp_sv,#bp_vid{user-select:none;max-height:96%;max-width:96%;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;box-shadow:0 0 3em rgba(0,0,0,.4);z-index:-1}#bp_sv{background:#111}#bp_sv svg{width:66px}#bp_caption{font-size:.9em;padding:1.3em;background:rgba(15,15,15,.94);color:#fff;text-align:center;transition:opacity .3s}#bp_aud{width:650px;top:calc(50% - 20px);bottom:auto;box-shadow:none}#bp_count{left:0;right:auto;padding:14px;color:rgba(255,255,255,.7);font-size:22px;cursor:default}#bp_container button{position:absolute;border:0;outline:0;background:0;cursor:pointer;transition:all .1s}#bp_container>.bp-x{padding:0;height:41px;width:41px;border-radius:100%;top:8px;right:14px;opacity:.8;line-height:1}#bp_container>.bp-x:focus,#bp_container>.bp-x:hover{background:rgba(255,255,255,.2)}.bp-x svg,.bp-xc svg{height:21px;width:20px;fill:#fff;vertical-align:top;}.bp-xc svg{width:16px}#bp_container .bp-xc{left:2%;bottom:100%;padding:9px 20px 7px;background:#d04444;border-radius:2px 2px 0 0;opacity:.85}#bp_container .bp-xc:focus,#bp_container .bp-xc:hover{opacity:1}.bp-lr{top:50%;top:calc(50% - 130px);padding:99px 0;width:6%;background:0;border:0;opacity:.4;transition:opacity .1s}.bp-lr:focus,.bp-lr:hover{opacity:.8}@keyframes bpf{50%{transform:translatex(15px)}100%{transform:none}}@keyframes bpl{50%{transform:translatex(-15px)}100%{transform:none}}@keyframes bpfl{0%{opacity:0;transform:translatex(70px)}100%{opacity:1;transform:none}}@keyframes bpfr{0%{opacity:0;transform:translatex(-70px)}100%{opacity:1;transform:none}}@keyframes bpfol{0%{opacity:1;transform:none}100%{opacity:0;transform:translatex(-70px)}}@keyframes bpfor{0%{opacity:1;transform:none}100%{opacity:0;transform:translatex(70px)}}@keyframes bpturn{0%{transform:none}100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}@media (max-width:600px){.bp-lr{font-size:15vw}}'; document.head[appendEl](style); // create container element container = document[createEl]('DIV'); = 'bp_container'; container.onclick = close; closeButton = createCloseButton('bp-x'); container[appendEl](closeButton); // gallery swipe listeners if ('ontouchstart' in window) { supportsTouch = true; container.ontouchstart = function (ref) { var changedTouches = ref.changedTouches; startX = changedTouches[0].pageX; }; container.ontouchmove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }; container.ontouchend = function (ref) { var changedTouches = ref.changedTouches; if (!galleryOpen) { return } var distX = changedTouches[0].pageX - startX; // swipe right distX < -30 && updateGallery(1); // swipe left distX > 30 && updateGallery(-1); }; } // create display image element displayImage = document[createEl]('IMG'); // create display video element displayVideo = document[createEl]('VIDEO'); = 'bp_vid'; displayVideo.setAttribute('playsinline', true); displayVideo.controls = true; displayVideo.loop = true; // create audio element displayAudio = document[createEl]('audio'); = 'bp_aud'; displayAudio.controls = true; displayAudio.loop = true; // create gallery counter galleryCounter = document[createEl]('span'); = 'bp_count'; // create caption elements caption = document[createEl]('DIV'); = 'bp_caption'; captionHideButton = createCloseButton('bp-xc'); captionHideButton.onclick = toggleCaption.bind(null, false); caption[appendEl](captionHideButton); captionText = document[createEl]('SPAN'); caption[appendEl](captionText); container[appendEl](caption); // left / right arrow icons rightArrowBtn = createArrowSymbol(1, 'transform:scalex(-1)'); leftArrowBtn = createArrowSymbol(-1, 'left:0;right:auto'); // create loading icon element loadingIcon = document[createEl]('DIV'); = 'bp_loader'; loadingIcon.innerHTML = ''; // create youtube / vimeo container iframeContainer = document[createEl]('DIV'); = 'bp_sv'; // create iframe to hold youtube / vimeo player iframeSiteVid = document[createEl]('IFRAME'); iframeSiteVid.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', true); iframeSiteVid.allow = 'autoplay; fullscreen'; iframeSiteVid.onload = function () { return iframeContainer[removeEl](loadingIcon); }; changeCSS( iframeSiteVid, 'border:0;position:absolute;height:100%;width:100%;left:0;top:0' ); iframeContainer[appendEl](iframeSiteVid); // display image bindings for image load and error displayImage.onload = open; displayImage.onerror = open.bind(null, 'image'); window.addEventListener('resize', function () { // adjust loader position on window resize galleryOpen || (isLoading && toggleLoadingIcon(true)); // adjust iframe dimensions displayElement === iframeContainer && updateIframeDimensions(); }); // close container on escape key press and arrow buttons for gallery document.addEventListener('keyup', function (ref) { var keyCode = ref.keyCode; keyCode === 27 && isOpen && close(); if (galleryOpen) { keyCode === 39 && updateGallery(1); keyCode === 37 && updateGallery(-1); keyCode === 38 && updateGallery(10); keyCode === 40 && updateGallery(-10); } }); // prevent scrolling with arrow keys if gallery open document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { var usedKeys = [37, 38, 39, 40]; if (galleryOpen && ~usedKeys.indexOf(e.keyCode)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // trap focus within conainer while open document.addEventListener( 'focus', function (e) { if (isOpen && !container.contains( { e.stopPropagation(); closeButton.focus(); } }, true ); // all done initialized = true; } // return transform style to make full size display el match trigger el size function getRect() { var ref = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var top =; var left = ref.left; var width = ref.width; var height = ref.height; var leftOffset = left - (container.clientWidth - width) / 2; var centerTop = top - (container.clientHeight - height) / 2; var scaleWidth = el.clientWidth / displayElement.clientWidth; var scaleHeight = el.clientHeight / displayElement.clientHeight; return ("transform:translate3D(" + leftOffset + "px, " + centerTop + "px, 0) scale3D(" + scaleWidth + ", " + scaleHeight + ", 0)") } function makeVidSrc(source) { if (Array.isArray(source)) { displayElement = displayVideo.cloneNode(); source.forEach(function (src) { var source = document[createEl]('SOURCE'); source.src = src; source.type = "video/" + (src.match(/.(\w+)$/)[1]); displayElement[appendEl](source); }); } else { displayElement = displayVideo; displayElement.src = source; } } function makeGallery(gallery, position) { var galleryAttribute = opts.galleryAttribute || 'data-bp'; if (Array.isArray(gallery)) { // is array of images galleryPosition = position || 0; galleryEls = gallery; captionContent = gallery[galleryPosition].caption; } else { // is element selector or nodelist galleryEls = [] typeof gallery === 'string' ? document.querySelectorAll((gallery + " [" + galleryAttribute + "]")) : gallery ); // find initial gallery position var elIndex = galleryEls.indexOf(el); galleryPosition = position === 0 || position ? position : elIndex !== -1 ? elIndex : 0; // make gallery object w/ els / src / caption galleryEls = (el) { return ({ el: el, src: el.getAttribute(galleryAttribute), caption: el.getAttribute('data-caption'), }); }); } // show loading icon if needed remoteImage = true; // set initial src to imgSrc so it will be cached in open func imgSrc = galleryEls[galleryPosition].src; !~imgCache.indexOf(imgSrc) && toggleLoadingIcon(true); if (galleryEls.length > 1) { // if length is greater than one, add gallery stuff container[appendEl](galleryCounter); galleryCounter.innerHTML = (galleryPosition + 1) + "/" + (galleryEls.length); if (!supportsTouch) { // add arrows if device doesn't support touch container[appendEl](rightArrowBtn); container[appendEl](leftArrowBtn); } } else { // gallery is one, just show without clutter galleryEls = false; } displayElement = displayImage; // set initial image src displayElement.src = imgSrc; } function updateGallery(movement) { var galleryLength = galleryEls.length - 1; // only allow one change at a time if (isLoading) { return } // return if requesting out of range image var isEnd = (movement > 0 && galleryPosition === galleryLength) || (movement < 0 && !galleryPosition); if (isEnd) { // if beginning or end of gallery, run end animation if (!opts.loop) { changeCSS(displayImage, ''); setTimeout( changeCSS, 9, displayImage, ("animation:" + (movement > 0 ? 'bpl' : 'bpf') + " .3s;transition:transform .35s") ); return } // if gallery is looped, adjust position to beginning / end galleryPosition = movement > 0 ? -1 : galleryLength + 1; } // normalize position galleryPosition = Math.max( 0, Math.min(galleryPosition + movement, galleryLength) ) // load images before and after for quicker scrolling through pictures ;[galleryPosition - 1, galleryPosition, galleryPosition + 1].forEach( function (position) { // normalize position position = Math.max(0, Math.min(position, galleryLength)); // cancel if image has already been preloaded if (preloadedImages[position]) { return } var src = galleryEls[position].src; // create image for preloadedImages var img = document[createEl]('IMG'); img.addEventListener('load', addToImgCache.bind(null, src)); img.src = src; preloadedImages[position] = img; } ); // if image is loaded, show it if (preloadedImages[galleryPosition].complete) { return changeGalleryImage(movement) } // if not, show loading icon and change when loaded isLoading = true; changeCSS(loadingIcon, 'opacity:.4;'); container[appendEl](loadingIcon); preloadedImages[galleryPosition].onload = function () { galleryOpen && changeGalleryImage(movement); }; // if error, store error object in el array preloadedImages[galleryPosition].onerror = function () { galleryEls[galleryPosition] = { error: 'Error loading image', }; galleryOpen && changeGalleryImage(movement); }; } function changeGalleryImage(movement) { if (isLoading) { container[removeEl](loadingIcon); isLoading = false; } var activeEl = galleryEls[galleryPosition]; if (activeEl.error) { // show alert if error alert(activeEl.error); } else { // add new image, animate images in and out w/ css animation var oldimg = container.querySelector('img:last-of-type'); displayImage = displayElement = preloadedImages[galleryPosition]; changeCSS( displayImage, ("animation:" + (movement > 0 ? 'bpfl' : 'bpfr') + " .35s;transition:transform .35s") ); changeCSS(oldimg, ("animation:" + (movement > 0 ? 'bpfol' : 'bpfor') + " .35s both")); container[appendEl](displayImage); // update el for closing animation if (activeEl.el) { el = activeEl.el; } } // update counter galleryCounter.innerHTML = (galleryPosition + 1) + "/" + (galleryEls.length); // show / hide caption toggleCaption(galleryEls[galleryPosition].caption); // execute onChangeImage callback onChangeImage && onChangeImage([displayImage, galleryEls[galleryPosition]]); } // create video iframe function createIframe() { var url; var prefix = 'https://'; var suffix = 'autoplay=1'; // create appropriate url if (opts.ytSrc) { url = prefix + "" + (opts.ytNoCookie ? '-nocookie' : '') + ".com/embed/" + siteVidID + "?html5=1&rel=0&playsinline=1&" + suffix; } else if (opts.vimeoSrc) { url = prefix + "" + siteVidID + "?" + suffix; } else if (opts.iframeSrc) { url = opts.iframeSrc; } // add loading spinner to iframe container changeCSS(loadingIcon, ''); iframeContainer[appendEl](loadingIcon); // set iframe src to url iframeSiteVid.src = url; updateIframeDimensions(); setTimeout(open, 9); } function updateIframeDimensions() { var height; var width; // handle height / width / aspect / max width for iframe var windowHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.95; var windowWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.95; var windowAspect = windowHeight / windowWidth; var ref = opts.dimensions || [1920, 1080]; var dimensionWidth = ref[0]; var dimensionHeight = ref[1]; var iframeAspect = dimensionHeight / dimensionWidth; if (iframeAspect > windowAspect) { height = Math.min(dimensionHeight, windowHeight); width = height / iframeAspect; } else { width = Math.min(dimensionWidth, windowWidth); height = width * iframeAspect; } += "width:" + width + "px;height:" + height + "px;"; } // timeout to check video status while loading function checkMedia(errMsg) { if (~[1, 4].indexOf(displayElement.readyState)) { open(); // short timeout to to make sure controls show in safari 11 setTimeout(function () {; }, 99); } else if (displayElement.error) { open(errMsg); } else { checkMediaTimeout = setTimeout(checkMedia, 35, errMsg); } } // hide / show loading icon function toggleLoadingIcon(bool) { // don't show loading icon if noLoader is specified if (opts.noLoader) { return } // bool is true if we want to show icon, false if we want to remove // change style to match trigger element dimensions if we want to show bool && changeCSS( loadingIcon, ("top:" + (el.offsetTop) + "px;left:" + (el.offsetLeft) + "px;height:" + (el.clientHeight) + "px;width:" + (el.clientWidth) + "px") ); // add or remove loader from DOM el.parentElement[bool ? appendEl : removeEl](loadingIcon); isLoading = bool; } // hide & show caption function toggleCaption(captionContent) { if (captionContent) { captionText.innerHTML = captionContent; } changeCSS( caption, ("opacity:" + (captionContent ? "1;pointer-events:auto" : '0')) ); } function addToImgCache(url) { !~imgCache.indexOf(url) && imgCache.push(url); } // animate open of image / video; display caption if needed function open(err) { // hide loading spinner isLoading && toggleLoadingIcon(); // execute animationStart callback animationStart && animationStart(); // check if we have an error string instead of normal event if (typeof err === 'string') { removeContainer(); return opts.onError ? opts.onError() : alert(("Error: The requested " + err + " could not be loaded.")) } // if remote image is loaded, add url to imgCache array remoteImage && addToImgCache(imgSrc); // transform displayEl to match trigger el += getRect(); // fade in container changeCSS(container, "opacity:1;pointer-events:auto"); // set animationEnd callback to run after animation ends (cleared if container closed) if (animationEnd) { animationEnd = setTimeout(animationEnd, 410); } isOpen = true; galleryOpen = !!galleryEls; // enlarge displayEl, fade in caption if hasCaption setTimeout(function () { += 'transition:transform .35s;transform:none'; captionContent && setTimeout(toggleCaption, 250, captionContent); }, 60); } // close active display element function close(e) { var target = e ? : container; var clickEls = [ caption, captionHideButton, displayVideo, displayAudio, captionText, leftArrowBtn, rightArrowBtn, loadingIcon ]; // blur to hide close button focus style target.blur(); // don't close if one of the clickEls was clicked or container is already closing if (isClosing || ~clickEls.indexOf(target)) { return } // animate closing += getRect(); changeCSS(container, 'pointer-events:auto'); // timeout to remove els from dom; use variable to avoid calling more than once setTimeout(removeContainer, 350); // clear animationEnd timeout clearTimeout(animationEnd); isOpen = false; isClosing = true; } // remove container / display element from the DOM function removeContainer() { // clear src of displayElement (or iframe if display el is iframe container) // needs to be done before removing container in IE var srcEl = displayElement === iframeContainer ? iframeSiteVid : displayElement; srcEl.removeAttribute('src'); // remove container from DOM & clear inline style document.body[removeEl](container); container[removeEl](displayElement); changeCSS(container, ''); changeCSS(displayElement, ''); // remove caption toggleCaption(false); if (galleryOpen) { // remove all gallery stuff var images = container.querySelectorAll('img'); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { container[removeEl](images[i]); } isLoading && container[removeEl](loadingIcon); container[removeEl](galleryCounter); galleryOpen = galleryEls = false; preloadedImages = {}; supportsTouch || container[removeEl](rightArrowBtn); supportsTouch || container[removeEl](leftArrowBtn); // in case displayimage changed, we need to update event listeners displayImage.onload = open; displayImage.onerror = open.bind(null, 'image'); } // run close callback opts.onClose && opts.onClose(); isClosing = isLoading = false; } // style helper functions function changeCSS(ref, newStyle) { var style =; style.cssText = newStyle; } return BigPicture; }());